"There are two kinds of adventurers: those who go truly hoping to find adventure and those who go secretly hoping they won't."

Rabindranath Tagore
Nobel Prize Winner for Literature 1913

May you be the first as I am! Warning: That may mean you fall flat on your face at times.

Sunday, March 22

Gardening Home School Style

So today begins our adventure into the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Although most historians believe that they were probably terraced and not actually hanging we'll be doing hanging gardens. This is part of our summer schooling program. We'll be able to get a lot of things in with this one project: reading, math, science, social studies (or History), writing, home economics, art and probably some other things if I think about it a bit more. I love being able to put everything together, it's more realistic. After all when you want to know information about something it usually isn't separate from other things. We don't research about gardens just because, usually it's to benefit our lives in some way (help provide food for our tables, cut costs, etc). So we used some of the money we got from our tax return to get both the girls their own hanging garden. Each will be hanging their own choice of two tomato plants and two cucumbers. Then the tops will be up to them. I'm doing my own garden in the back using the square foot gardening method that my sister-in-law introduced me to. I was lucky enough to see the one she had in Virgina and was fascinated by it. Now I'm actually going to be able to try one myself this year finally. Okay so I know that I'm trying to share the thrifty side of things that we do. We did save some money on the gardens by getting them at our local Sams for $50.00. We are also saving the recipts since our accountant said that we can claim many things on our taxes for education costs. I'm not sure what all we can claim but I'm keeping all the receipts of everything we spend on the girls schooling with a short note on the back of what it was used for. We'll see how much we get back when we file next year. This year we were able to claim a little over $600 on hubby's college expenses. Hopefully later today I'll be able to figure out how to post pictures on here for everyone to see!

Until then.........

1 comment:

Tori said...

Awesome! What a great thing, gardening... and SFG is EVEN better!!! ^_^ Did you get The New Square Foot Gardening Book? The early ones talked about digging and putzing with pH, but the new one... well, you know if you have it... OH, I hope you do!!! Let me know. If you have time to call, free minutes today!! ^_^ YEAY!

I'm so glad you blog now. I don't have to worry about calling and interrupting something... I can just write a comment in your blog. ^_^

Oh, why don't you join The Ultimate Blog Party? It's interesting... SO many blogs to check out. I'm only looking at ones with interesting names or relating to homeschooling and Christianity. Funny how many with interesting names also fit into one of those categories! Anyway... I know you don't have time to burn. This thing certainly will! BUT it's cool to get others into your blogosphere and get a taste of the big wide one out there! (My first year doing it, so we can be first timers together.) Oh, and there are PRIZES!!! ^_^ Totally check it out.