"There are two kinds of adventurers: those who go truly hoping to find adventure and those who go secretly hoping they won't."

Rabindranath Tagore
Nobel Prize Winner for Literature 1913

May you be the first as I am! Warning: That may mean you fall flat on your face at times.

Wednesday, November 18


I love crafting! It's right up there with my love for books and cooking. I'll try just about any type of craft if I haven't already. I rotate what I work on. I'll crochet for a time then I'll get bored with doing that then I'll work on cross stitching. With us getting ready to move again I have to figure out what I want to take with us for my crafting. I think I'll be taking my paints since the movers won't take them. Paints are a hazardous material so they can't be shipped for those of you who don't move around. So with them I think I'll be taking my wood crafts box. I had planned on painting some wooden toys for the girls last time we moved but the movers decided to pack the wooden things I had gotten. This time we'll be taking everything out of the house that we want to take and make sure that it'll fit in the car. I have some other things that I've picked up and recently found again since I've been organizing my crafts. They were everywhere. In large containers, small containers, boxes, bags, you get the idea. I have a friend who's very generously spent her time in helping me get organized. She helped me with more than just my crafts and I still have a ways to go but at least now I can see where I need to go where before she helped me, I was completely lost. I told her how grateful I was for her help and she shrugged and told me it was my pay it forward back. She felt that with as much as I have done with my time at the Thrift Shop it was least someone could do for me. With her help I now can use up the supplies that I have. I'll save money on top of it because now I can see what I have versus what I need to complete projects.

So my thrifty tip for you today is go out and do something you love. Don't expect anything back. Tithe your time for the sake of another without any expectation of a return. You will be surprised on what comes back to you. In my time at the Shop I have learned more than I ever thought I would. I have grown with that learning. To think it all came from me simply wishing to give freely to my community in the hopes of helping others. My time here won't be forgotten and sadly missed.