"There are two kinds of adventurers: those who go truly hoping to find adventure and those who go secretly hoping they won't."

Rabindranath Tagore
Nobel Prize Winner for Literature 1913

May you be the first as I am! Warning: That may mean you fall flat on your face at times.

Wednesday, April 21

Up and running!

Well with ACTs behind me and a long wait till the results are in I've finally gotten started on my shop and am now closing this blog for good. I hope that I'm better about the new blog than I've been with this one. But as most of you know I'd rather talk with you than just type away on the computer any day! The new blog will be GollyMezzo.blogspot.com and the first shop is GollyMezzo.artfire.com, and you can follow me on facebook too just look up Golly Mezzo!

I hope that you will check it out and spread the word! Many of you have received some of the items that you will see there. I just craft to much, lol! They're starting to take over the house since I can't seem to find enough reasons to give them away. So maybe with a bit of blessing, I will be able to support my habit of crafting! The nice thing about artfire is that you don't have to be a member to purchase things. As long as you have a paypal account (some people have other options too) you can purchase from there. Many of the handmade sites will make you have an account with them before you can purchase through them. It's one of the many reasons that I choose artfire.

Well I need to get more things on there and update the new blog and the facebook. I still need to update avatars and banners and the like! But before I do that I would like to get more things posted in the shop.

I hope to see you around at the new sites!

Friday, April 9

Something Special For You Love!

Throughout history there are legends, myths, stories, tales, fables, and many other ways of calling it about soul mates and true love. The Sumerians had the god of An and the goddess Ki, the Bible has Adam and Eve, Greek mythology has Zeus tearing humans apart from each other, Shakespeare chose tragedy to get his point across, the Bhagavad Gita has Arjuna and Krishna, the Talmud proclaims "Forty days prior to the formation of a child, a Heavenly Voice cries out saying "the daughter of so and so is destined for so in so", the Romans had Cupid and Psyche, the Chinese have yin and yang, the Quran speaks of being able to energize with the mate created from your souls, today you can turn on any country station and hear ballads composed about them, and the list goes on and on!

Every year around this time everyone is running around worried about taxes on the 15. I'm running around for a completely different reason. Every year I try to figure out what I should get you for our anniversary. Then most years the 15th rolls around and I'm still confused and you hand me a card that professes the love you have for me, and then I usually ball. Every year no matter how it has gone (and we've seen some dingers!) or how it will be I know that you are there.

This year I'm going to beat you to it:

15 years ago I got to do what most girls dream of, and many women wish for. I got to marry the love of my life, you. No one thought it would last. After all I was 18 in my junior year of school. You were 19 and had just started in the military and were headed to Korea. Your pay barely covered the ring and car payment. I was going to live with your parents and finish my senior year of high school while you went off to Korea for a year. "Wait till he returns", "Are you pregnant", "You're too young", "It'll never last", "Are you sure", "You don't know each other", and many more excuses were thrown at us. And yet through all the doubt that surrounded us, we knew! We knew that for what ever reason the universe threw us together against all odds, and there was no way that we were going to allow it to try and tear us apart. That day when we said that we would take each other for all it was worth-hardly anyone could hear. But I heard you loud and clear just as you heard me. Well today let the whole world hear! 15 years and counting! I can't say that I love you more today than I did on that day because it would cheapen that day. I can tell you that I love just as much as I did that day! We have grown and changed together and I wouldn't have it any other way. We've seen heart ache, 2 beautiful miracles, joy, and so much more.

There have been many who said we started with nothing. They were all wrong! We had it all, and still have-each other. No matter where we are in the world or in our lives, know that I love and support you in all that we do together. I'm looking forward to the next 50 years. Happy 15th Aniversary my love.


Your loving wife,

Friday, April 2

Coming together in the end!

Well it looks like I might be up and going sooner than I thought. I have an appointment with the accountant on Monday! Depending on what all he says I need will really depend on how soon I'm up and running. After Monday I have ACTs on Saturday so I could be finishing up my shop as soon as Sunday. I'll let you know more on Monday if I can. I will say that this coming week will have me with my nose in videos and books reviewing more Geometry than I ever care to do again. But considering that I never actually took it in high school 14 years ago I think I'll do okay. Thank you public librarys!! What Geometry has to do with accounting I'll never know but I'll know how to figure out the area of anything from now on.

I hope you all enjoy your Easter weekend.

Wednesday, March 24

Last Blog...kinda of!

Hey everyone. Yes it's true. This will be the last of this blog (almost). I will be closing it down permanently later. As all of you know we have moved to Colorado. Things are much different here and I have lots going on. (Not that I haven't always, lol.) On April 10th I will be taking my ACT and I'm hoping to start college courses in the fall. The girls are back in public school here so I also have all the things I do with that. On top of that I will be starting my third business! The other two were smaller but I figure what the heck might as well go for it. So as you can see I am extremely busy. But have no fear I am not going far. I am simply going to be opening a new blog. This one won't have much about the family and will be for my business. I will post links to all of that when it is up in running. Give me time though as it may not be completed until the summer. Until then you know my number.

Enjoy yourselves.

Thursday, January 21

Marriage Retreat

Once again we are going on a marriage retreat! We like going on these. Even after nearly 15 years marriage we still learn things about each other or come to an understanding of why we sometimes do things. Our first one we got to go to a little town German, the second was Myrtle Beach and this time we're going to Breckenridge, CO. Our Chaplains put these together for military members. Some have a target group, some don't. The trip for us is paid for with funds that the Chaplains have. It's part of the services that provide. You can check with you're local church or community groups to see if they're offered. For the ones we've been on and this one some of the meals are provided and some you have to get on you're own (usually lunches). Childcare is provided during the conferences. Some have conferences that go for a few hours and give you a breaks in between for free time, others have one long conference then get done early in the day so you can have some free time. Each one that we've been to has had a different theme or lesson going on. We've really enjoyed them. For us the cost is minimal but the benefits are great. Check one out in you're area.

I know that there's some connotation to marriage retreats, thanks in part to movies. But the reality is that it's far from what the movies tend to portray. There's always the newly weds which you can pick out as soon as you see them. Holding hands, their sides always touching, kissing when they think no one's looking. There's the one's who've been married for 25 or more years. He gets her coffee and doesn't bother asking if she even wants it or what to put in it, brings it to her and gently touches her back as he sits beside her. There's the couple who've been married for a few years and have their first little one. Their both laying with their heads on their arms trying to catch those extra few minutes of sleep that is sorely needed, until they hear the little one in the next room cry and they both jump up before they remember she/he's already being cared for. Then there's the couple like us. He still asks what she wants to drink, and you can see it on her face, "You would think he'd be able to remember." She ends up getting it because it's easier, and gets his. They'll hold hands or touch each others elbows together. But all in all it makes a great group. At first no one wants to share and by the end every one's laughing because of a story one person's told. New friendships are made and you always find something to take back with you. My advise is that everyone should try it at least once and see how they like it.

Wednesday, January 13

Another one pot meal.

This one is super easy. Get a bag of frozen vegetable (or fresh in the summer) and a can of tomato juice (I prefer getting the generic V8). Put both into a pot and warm to you're preferred temperature. In the summer we'll bring this up to a boil really fast so the vegetables cook then put it in the refrigerator to cool for a nice cold soup on hot days.
Super easy, and can be really inexpensive, our girls like making this cause they can make it on their own (with mom or dad standing nearby for the stove) . Then do the same as with the potato soup I listed earlier. Warm it up and have fun. Different things can spice it up for those with different tastes. Chili powder for one, cheese for another, bacon bits and sour cream, or something as simple as a little salt and pepper (my preference). Grill some cheese sandwiches put the soup in coffee cups and add a board game for a night to remember. Have left over chicken throw it in. Use this as a base and let your families taste buds rule the night.