"There are two kinds of adventurers: those who go truly hoping to find adventure and those who go secretly hoping they won't."

Rabindranath Tagore
Nobel Prize Winner for Literature 1913

May you be the first as I am! Warning: That may mean you fall flat on your face at times.

Wednesday, September 30


Anyone that knows me knows that books are the center of our world. Library day see at least 60 books checked out for the week. I'll buy books for the kids when we go out if they ask. So this week's been a bit difficult for me. I've been trying to decide what can be given away, sold, or just thrown away in preperation for our upcoming move. The difficult part for me has been looking through our books and trying to decide if there are some that can be thinned out. Hours of indecision roll on. Finally a compromise! We'll be keeping hardbacked books and donating the paperbacks to the libary we love since they have a loan program. So that will deal with about 100 pounds gone that we don't have to worry about. (I went over on my weight allowance last time. Kind of a no-no!) Now what to do with all the hardback books? Will I ever figure it out? I guess we'll see. I still have October and November to figure it all out so wish me luck on my journey of lowering my weight!

To top it off I get the girls new books, lol yes I know, trust me I don't need told. I tell myself all the time. But onto what I found! Our oldest is into The 39 Clues. They are a series of books that are a mysteries. You read books, get cards (some come with the books), play a game online and it's all tied in together. She's really loving the book (she's gotten 3 of them, we got number 5 first by accident, so we had to get one and she used her money for number two). As a homeschooler I'm wondering if there's a way to work this into her reading work and I find scholastic has a wonderful website to help me out! Check it out here! There are a number of things for teachers and students. Lesson plans, games, strategy guides and much much more. Some of it is free and some of it you have to pay for. I'll be using some of the free items available. I hope you can take a moment to check it out! Have fun looking.